Rocky Mountain Legal Center Logo

Rocky Mountain Legal Center             

We understand many people do not qualify for free legal aid and cannot afford a private attorney.

Our Legal Center bridges that financial gap by offering low cost-quality legal services to people that otherwise could not afford them with attorney and mediation costs starting at just $30 per hour.

In the spirit of community, every dollar collected provides free services to those less fortunate. Using Rocky Mountain Legal Center for your legal needs saves you money and can make a positive difference in someone else’s life.

E-mail or call 720-242-8642 for more information on our services or to schedule an appointment.

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Opened in 2010,Rocky Mountain Legal Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community service organization with a primary mission of providing free and low-cost civil legal representation for low-income families, single parents, seniors and people from every other walk of life.

Rocky Mountain Legal Center is also one of Colorado’s only sliding cost legal aid and family mediation clinics where the cost of services is based on income and ability to pay.

Photograph of an elderly woman being hugged by a younger woman.
© Rocky Mountain Legal Center